Press Release: Henrike Hahn, MEP (The Greens/ EFA) on on the plenary vote on the EU Critical Raw Materials Act: Milestone for green industrial policy

On the occasion of the vote on the EU Critical Raw Material Act (CRMA), which was adopted in plenary with 549 votes in favour, 43 against and 24 abstentions, Henrike Hahn, Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA), industrial policy spokesperson for the German Greens in the European Parliament, member of the Industry Committee and Green negotiator on the EU Critical Raw Materials Act, comments:

"The Green Deal needs critical raw materials. Europe has delivered - at the speed of sound. For diversified supply chains and supply security for industry and small and medium-sized enterprises. Lithium and rare earths for green technologies are used in wind turbines, solar panels, electric cars and computer chips.

With the EU Critical Raw Materials Act 2023, we have now set a green industrial policy milestone for more mining in Europe in record time.

The circular economy and recycling are now at the heart of the CRMA. And at the same time, we are also working on reducing the demand for critical raw materials and on substitution without getting lost in the bureaucratic jungle.

With the CRMA, green technology "Made in Europe" will now have the opportunity to be produced more strategically autonomously and reliably in the future, without having to rely on raw material supplies from geopolitically questionable countries such as Russia or China.

We are building a European raw materials sector, transforming waste into a resource and strengthening global partnerships to create a green competitive industry.

The recycling benchmark is now raised in the CRMA to 25% of the EU's annual consumption of strategic raw materials. A growing amount of strategic raw materials in EU waste streams will be recycled. The volume of these waste streams and the benchmark for recycling will be evaluated and set in the future.

This is also important for us Greens: Civil society must be involved in mining in Europe in the best possible way.

The explicit mention of FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) - the right of indigenous peoples to consultation and free, prior and informed consent was thwarted due to the Council's refusal.

Nevertheless, the final text refers to the OECD guidelines, which include FPIC. This is important and correct.

The final text also contains an important recital against deep-sea mining.

Mining in EU territories must remain a taboo. The protective measures provided for in the EP mandate were not retained in the final outcome of the negotiations. This is particularly painful for us Greens. However, it must also be said about the result: The CRMA explicitly does not change any provisions of the environmental legal framework.

Green transition to achieve our climate targets requires critical raw materials. That is why we need demand-driven mining in Europe under the highest possible environmental and social criteria."


I am at your disposal for any further questions.

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