PR Henrike Hahn, MEP (The Greens/ EFA): ECB's first rate cut opens door for a green interest rate

The ECB today for the first time in almost 5 years cut its key interest rate by 25 basis points to 3.75%. Henrike Hahn, Member of the European Parliament (The Greens/EFA), deputy member of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee and deputy spokesperson of the German delegation of the Greens, commented:

"It is a great relief that the ECB is now making the first interest rate cut. This decision is extremely important given the economic situation in Europe, which needs to be improved, and the fact that investments in green sectors of the future are clearly lagging behind. The price increases were partly caused by wrong political decisions in the face of the climate and energy crisis. This cannot simply be cured by raising interest rates - only a bold climate and green industrial policy will ultimately ensure a secure economic situation.

That is why the ECB must now put its words into action and start introducing an interest rate for green investments as soon as possible. Renewable energies, energy efficiency and green technologies of the future need a separate interest rate to boost investments in Europe.

Further interest rate cuts this year can give people and the economy in Europe more financial breathing room. Falling interest rates can continue to drive economic growth as long as price increases remain moderate."

I would be happy to answer any further questions.


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