PR Henrike Hahn, MEP (Greens/EFA) on the plenary vote on the Net Zero Industry Act: Europe needs focus instead of a scattergun approach to industrial policy

Henrike Hahn, Member of the European Parliament (The Greens/EFA), member of the Industry Committee, industrial policy speaker, deputy spokesperson of the European German Green MEPs, comments on today's plenary vote of the European Parliament on the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA):

"The German Christian Democrats' current strategy of torpedoing Germany and Europe as business location even in the European Parliament now is quite astonishing. This will not bring any benefit to the industry and people in Europe.

To announce to support the Green Deal while supporting nuclear energy is a roll-back and wastes taxpayers' hard-earned money.

The USA show to Europe how it can be done better: Europe's future lies in key technologies for affordable, secure energy, green technology and job creation. Competitive green industrial policy in Europe needs a clear focus on strategically important technologies and no scattergun approach to funding. The chance to give Europe's green competitiveness a real boost and attract investments with the net-zero industry Act has been wasted.

Industrial policy in Europe needs bold steps forwards - not backwards."



Today's plenary vote on the net-zero industry law has been approved the compromise of the Industry Committee (ITRE) of rapporteur Christian Ehler (EPP, DE) without changes (376+/ 139 - /116 abstentions). The Net Zero Industry Act is part of the Green Industrial Plan and aims to ensure that more clean technologies are produced in the EU. The Member States must now finalise their position before interinstitutional trilogue negotiations can begin (expected December 2023).


I would be happy to answer any further questions.

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