Henrike Hahn, member of the European Parliament (The Greens/EFA), industrial policy speaker, member of the Industry Committee and deputy member of the …
Zum heute veröffentlichten Kommissionsvorschlag zur Überarbeitung des Mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens und zu den EU-Eigenmitteln, kommentiert Henrike Hahn, …
On the occasion of the ECB's recent interest rate hike Henrike Hahn, MEP (The Greens/EFA), Deputy Speaker of the German Delegation of the Greens/EFA, …
Anlässlich der heutigen Leitzinserhöhung der EZB kommentiert Henrike Hahn, MdEP (Die Grünen/EFA), stellv. Leiterin der Europagruppe, stellv. Mitglied …
Henrike Hahn, member of the European Parliament (The Greens/EFA), industrial policy speaker, member of the Industry Committee and deputy member of the …
The European Parliament today approved by 366 votes in favour, (225 votes against and 38 abstentions) its position on the Corporate Sustainability Due …
Henrike Hahn, MdEP (Die Grünen/EFA), stellvertretende Sprecherin der Europagruppe, industriepolitische Sprecherin und grüne Schattenberichterstatterin …
Henrike Hahn, Bavarian member of the European Parliament (The Greens/EFA), deputy member of the Economic and Monetary Committee and deputy speaker of …